Article 1 - Field of application
These general conditions of sale apply, without restriction or reserve to all sales concluded by the company GLB "Perfumes Molinard", a simplified joint -stock company with a capital of 1,050,000 euros whose headquarters are in Grasse (06130) 60 Boulevard Victor Hugo, registered in the Trade Register and Grasse Companies under number 326 815 370 ("The Seller" or "Molinard") with non -professional consumers and buyers ("customers or the customer"), wishing to acquire the products offered for sale by the seller ("products") on the website
In particular, they specify the conditions of order, payment, delivery and management of any returns of the products ordered by customers.
These general conditions of sale are likely to be supplemented by special conditions, set out on the website, before any transaction with the customer.
These general conditions of sale apply to the exclusion of all other conditions, and in particular those applicable for store sales or by means of other distribution and marketing circuits.
They are accessible at any time on the website and will prevail, if necessary, on any other version or any other contradictory document.
These general conditions of sale may be subject to subsequent modifications, the version applicable to the purchase of the Customer is that in force on the website on the date of ordering the order.
Changes in these general conditions of sale are enforceable against users of the website from their posting and cannot apply to previously concluded transactions.
Article 2 - Products proposed for sale
The products offered for sale by Molinard are those which appear on the site, on the day of consultation of the site by the buyer, within the limits of available stocks.
The main characteristics of the products and in particular the specifications, illustrations and indications of dimensions or capacity of the products, are presented on the website
The customer is required to read it before any order placing.
The choice and purchase of a product is the sole responsibility of the customer.
The photographs and graphics presented on the website are not contractual and cannot engage the responsibility of the seller.
The customer is required to refer to the description of each product in order to know the properties, the essential particularities and the delivery times, as well as, in the event of continuous or periodic supply of a property, the minimum duration of the proposed contract .
The contractual information is presented in French and is the subject of confirmation at the latest at the time of the validation of the order by the Customer.
ARTICLE 3 - Validity duration of the product offer
Product offers are within the limits of available stocks, as specified when placing the order.
In the event of unavailability of one of the products, the buyer will be informed at the latest when the order is delivered.
The deadline for using a gift voucher is one year after the date of purchase.
Article 4 - Seller's coordinates
The seller's contact details are as follows:
GLB company "Molinard perfumes",
RCS Grasse - 326 815 370
60 Boulevard Victor Hugo - 06130 Grasse
In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, reinforced and supplemented by the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) which came into force on May 25, 2018, the Customer has, at any time, a right of access , rectification, opposition, erasure and portability of all of his personal data by writing, by mail and justifying his identity, to the address of the seller, mentioned above.
The validation of the order by the Customer applies to acceptance without restriction or reserve of these general conditions of sale.
The customer acknowledges having the capacity required to contract and acquire the products offered on the website
Article 5 - Orders
5.1. Registration of an order
If the customer wishes to order, he will have to choose the different products that interest him, make a choice from the packaging possibly offered, specify the desired quantity and add them to his basket.
At any time, the customer will be able to obtain a summary of the products he has selected; Continue its selection of products or finish its selection of products and order them.
To order the products thus chosen, after having validated their basket, any customer will have to identify themselves, either by entering their email and password, if it has already created their account, or by filling out the registration form Online, otherwise.
In this last hypothesis, the customer must accurately fill out the form made available to him, on which he will notably include the information necessary for his identification and in particular his name, first name, postal address.
In addition, the customer must provide his email address and a password that will be personal and confidential and he will need to identify later on the site.
The customer is informed and accepts that the entry of these two identifiers is proof of his identity.
Once the customer is identified, he must validate the delivery address and then a summary condition of his order will appear on the screen.
5.2. Definitive validation of the order
After having read the state of his order, and once all the information requested has been completed by the Buyer, the latter will click on the payment method chosen to definitively confirm his order.
5.3. Order confirmation
When he has validated his payment method (if necessary with the supply of his card number and the expiration date), a summary of the buyer's order will appear and notably mention the transaction number.
The sale is only final after sending the Customer to confirm the acceptance of the order by the seller by email, which must be sent without delay.
Any order placed, validated by the customer and confirmed by the seller, under the conditions and according to the above terms described, on the website constitutes the training of a contract concluded between the customer and the Seller.
Unless otherwise proved, the data recorded in the seller's computer system constitute proof of all transactions concluded with the customer.
5.4. Modification of the order
Once confirmed and accepted by the seller, under the above conditions, the order cannot be modified.
5.5. Cancellation of the order
Once confirmed and accepted by the seller, under the above conditions described, the order cannot be cancelled, except the exercise of the right of withdrawal or case of force majeure.
5.6. Refusal of the order
In any event, Molinard reserves the right to refuse any order or any delivery in the event of an existing dispute with the buyer, total or partial non-payment of a previous order by the buyer, refusal of authorization payment by bank card of banking organizations, non-payment or partial payment. Molinard's responsibility cannot in any case be engaged.
Article 6 - Price
The products are provided at the current prices appearing on the website, when registering the order by the seller. The prices are expressed in euros, HT and TTC.
The prices take into account any discounts which would be granted by the seller on the website
It is specified that any promotions granted in the form of reduction vouchers are only valid for a single order per household and over a given period of validity.
They do not include the treatment, shipping, transport and delivery costs, which are invoiced in addition, under the conditions indicated on the website and calculated prior to the placing of the order.
In the event of an order from a country other than mainland France, the buyer is deemed to be the importer of the product (s) concerned. For all products shipped outside the European Union and DOM-TOM, the price will be automatically calculated outside T.V.A. (H.T.) on the invoice. Customs duties or other local taxes or import rights or state taxes are likely to be due. These rights and sums do not fall under the spring of Molinard and will be the responsibility of the buyer. They are full of the buyer's full responsibility both in terms of declarations and payments to the competent authorities and bodies of the country concerned. Molinard advises the buyer to find out about these aspects with the competent local authorities.
Molinard reserves the right, which the buyer accepts, to modify his prices at any time but the products will be billed on the basis of the prices in force at the time of the registration of the order, subject to the availability of said products .
Article 7 - Payment Conditions
The amount due by the buyer is the amount indicated on the order confirmation sent by e-mail by Molinard to the buyer.
The buyer will have the choice when validating his order as specified in article 5.2. above, between different payment methods. As such, payment may, unless the server is unavailable, be made:
The buyer can pay his order directly on the site with his bank card (Mastercard, Visa, American Express). During the final validation phase of his order, the buyer indicates the number of his CB as well as his validity date and the cryptogram located on the back of the card (last 3 figures located on the signature panel)[At no time should the buyer indicate his confidential code].This information is provided in encrypted headings and all the information conveyed is coded. None of his information transit in clear on the internet.
The buyer can send a check in euros, compensable in a French bank, to the order of "Molinard" at the 60 bd Victor Hugo - BP 94210 - 06131 Grasse Cedex, specifying the date and number of the order which was allocated to him online.
In the event that the buyer decides to use a payment by check, the order will not be definitively validated only after collection of the check.
The buyer can pay by a bank transfer.
Payment must be made at the buyer's expense according to the prices in force with banking establishments requested.
Molinard banking contact details are on the buyer's ordering electronic mail.
Payment is immediately due and is made when ordering. The transmission of bank details is carried out directly on the Paypal site and in a secure manner (SSL encryption). Banking contact details, which will be re-attended with each order, are only kept during the processing of your order and are then destroyed.
The site does not see or store any of this information. Management is fully ensured by the Paypal site.
Article 8 - Deliveries
8.1. Shipping deadlines
From the full payment of the order, the package is shipped to the address indicated when ordering within 72 hours. However, orders placed on Friday after 12 noon will be processed within 48 hours from Monday.
Payment by bank card guarantees the speed of the processing of the order.
8.2. Delivery delay
Deliveries are made by post. The delivery times indicated are therefore those usually practiced by this carrier (Colissimo).
Colissimo International "European Union EU" (outside Dom Tom): 7 to 15 working days.
Colissimo France 48 h at 72 hours.
Molinard cannot be held responsible for delivery delays attributable to the carrier.
8.3. Delivery reserves
Upon receipt of his order, the buyer will take care to check the compliance of the products received.
In the event of an apparent anomaly regarding delivery (damaged or open package, etc.), the buyer is invited to formulate all reservations, refuse the package and follow the procedure for anomaly with the post office. He will also have to notify a complaint, within five (5) working days following the reception of the package, to the customer service of Molinard by mail addressed to GLB SAS MOLINARD perfumes - 60 bd Victor Hugo - BP 94210 - 06131 Grasse Cedex, or by E -Mail addressed to [email protected].
Any complaint made after this period will be rejected and Molinard will be released from any responsibility. MOLINARD reserves the right to ask the buyer to return the damaged product to him.
If the aforementioned conditions are met, Molinard will then proceed either to the exchange or reimbursement of the damaged product(s), or to the re-exposition of the missing product (subject to the merits of the request of the 'Buyer).
ARTICLE 9 - Property transfer - Risk transfer
The transfer of ownership of the seller's products will be made upon acceptance of the order by the seller, materializing the agreement of the parties on the thing and on the price, regardless of the date of payment and delivery.
Whatever the date of the transfer of ownership of the products, the transfer of the risks of loss and deterioration relating to it, will not be carried out until the customer physically takes possession of the products. Products therefore travel to the seller's risks and dangers.
Article 10 - Right of withdrawal
In accordance with the legal provisions in force, the Customer has a period of fourteen days from receipt of the product to exercise his right of withdrawal from the seller, without having to justify reasons or pay for penalty, at the end of exchange or reimbursement, provided that the products are returned in their original packaging and in perfect condition within the fourteen (14) days (14 days at most according to the communication of the withdrawal decision) depending on the notification to the seller of the Customer withdrawal decision.
Returns are to be made in their original and complete condition (packaging, accessories, instructions ...) allowing their delivery on the new market, accompanied by the purchase invoice, at the following address: to The following address: GLB SAS Parfums Molinard - 60 bd Victor Hugo - BP 94210 - 06131 Grasse Cedex.
Damaged, soiled or incomplete products are not included.
The right of withdrawal can be exercised online, using the withdrawal form available on the website, in which case an acknowledgment of receipt on a lasting medium will be immediately communicated to the customer by the seller, or Any other statement, devoid of ambiguity, expressing the desire to retract.
In the event of the exercise of the right of withdrawal within the aforementioned period, only the price of the product(s) purchased and the delivery costs are reimbursed; The return costs remaining the customer.
The refund will be made within fourteen (14) days (at most 14 days) from the notification to the seller of the withdrawal decision.
Article 11 - Responsibility of the Seller - Guarantee
The products sold on the website comply with the regulations in force in France and have performance compatible with non -professional uses.
The products provided by the seller benefit automatically and without additional payment, regardless of the right of withdrawal, in accordance with the legal provisions:
It is recalled that in the context of the legal guarantee of compliance, the Customer benefits from a period of two years from the issuance of the property to act against the seller;-can choose between the repair or the replacement of the Product ordered, subject to the cost conditions provided for in article L 217-9 of the Consumer Code; is exempt from reporting proof of the existence of the lack of compliance of the product during the twenty four months following the delivery of the product . |
The legal compliance guarantee applies independently of the commercial guarantee that may possibly cover the product. The customer may decide to implement the warranty against hidden defects produced in accordance with article 1641 of the Civil Code; In this case, he can choose between the resolution of the sale or a reduction in the sale price in accordance with 1644 of the Civil Code. |
In order to assert their rights, the Customer must inform the seller, in writing, of the non-compliance of the products within a maximum of fourteen (14) from the delivery of the products or the discovery of hidden defects on time Above targeted and return or report defective products in the state in which they were received with all the elements (accessories, packaging, instructions ...).
The seller will reimburse, replace or have repaired products or parts under warranty deemed non -compliant or defective.
The shipping costs will be reimbursed on the basis of the price billed and the return costs will be reimbursed upon presentation of the supporting documents.
The reimbursements of the products deemed to be non -compliant or defective will be carried out as soon as possible and at the latest in the fourteen (14) days of the observation by the seller of the lack of conformity or the hidden defect.
The reimbursement will be made by credit to the customer's bank account or by bank check addressed to the customer.
The seller's responsibility cannot be engaged in the following cases:
The seller's warranty is, in any event, limited to the replacement or reimbursement of non -compliant or assigned products of a defect.
Article 12 - Protection of personal data
Pursuant to law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 modified by law n ° 2018-493 of June 20, 2018, it is recalled that the personal data requested from the Customer are necessary for the processing of their order and the establishment of invoices , notably.
These data can be communicated to any partners of the seller responsible for the execution, processing, management and payment of orders.
The processing of information communicated through the website meets the legal requirements for personal data protection, the information system used ensuring optimal protection of this data.
The Customer has, in accordance with the national and European regulations in force of a right of permanent access, modification, rectification, opposition of portability and limitation of processing with regard to information concerning him.
This right can be exercised under the conditions and according to the terms defined on the website
Article 13 - Intellectual ownership
The content of the website is the property of the seller and his partners and is protected by French and international laws relating to intellectual property.
Any total or partial reproduction of this content is strictly prohibited and is likely to constitute an offense of counterfeiting.
Article 14 - Revision
In the event of a change in unpredictable circumstances at the conclusion of the contract, in accordance with the provisions of article 1195 of the Civil Code, the party which has not agreed to assume an excessively expensive risk of execution may request a renegotiation of the contract to his contracting partner.
Article 15 - Force majeure
The parties cannot be held responsible if the non-execution or the delay in the execution of any of their obligations, as described in these result from a case of force majeure, within the meaning of the article 1218 of the Civil Code.
Are considered as force majeure releasing Molinard from its obligation to deliver, the events of force majeure meeting the criteria of the jurisprudence of French courses and courts.
In such circumstances, Molinard will notify the buyer in writing within five (5) working days, from the date of knowledge of the event. The order will then be automatically suspended without compensation for one (1) months from the date of the event.
The parties will make their best efforts to find a way favorable to the situation. If the event came to last beyond the period of one (1) months, the order would be cancelled as of right without any of the parties being able to claim the granting of damages.
Article 16- Resolution of the contract
In the event of a fault or in the event of non -performance by one or the other of the parties of its obligations, this contract would be automatically resolved, if the failing party did not bring a remedy to its failure within the period of 15 days following the presentation of a formal notice by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.
The termination not prejudicial to obtaining the judiciary of damages by the judicial route that may claim part of the non -performance of its obligations by the other party.
Article 17 - Integratite
If one or more stipulations of these General Conditions of Sale are held for non-valids or declared as such in application of a law, a regulation or following a final decision of a competent court, the other stipulations will keep all their strength and their scope.
Article 18 - Applicable law - Language
These general conditions of sale and the operations resulting from it are governed by French law.
They are written in French. In the event that they are translated into one or more languages, only the French text is faith in the event of a dispute.
Article 19 - Disputes
All the disputes to which the purchase and sale operations concluded in application of these general conditions of sale could give rise, concerning both their validity, their interpretation, their execution, their termination, their consequences and their consequences and which could not have Being resolved between the seller and the customer will be submitted to the competent courts under the conditions of ordinary law.
In accordance with article L. 612-1 of the Consumer Code, the customer is informed of the ability to use a mediator free of charge, by mail to the following address: mediator of cooperative and associated trade - FCA - 77 rue de Lourmel - 75017 Paris, or on the website on which the Charter of the Mediation of Cooperative and Associate Trade is located and the supporting documents to be provided.
The Customer, noting that a violation of the General Regulations on the Protection of Personal Data has been committed, has the possibility of mandating an association or an organization mentioned in IV of article 43 ter of the 1978 Data Protection Act, in order to obtain against the controller or subcontractor, compensation before a civil or administrative court or before the National Commission for Data Protection.
Article 20 - PRECONTRACTUAL INFORMATION - Customer acceptance
Ordering on the website takes full membership and full acceptance of these general conditions of sale and obligation to pay the products ordered, which is expressly recognized by the Customer, who renounces, in particular, Available any contradictory document, which would be unenforceable in the seller.
Annex 1 - Provisions relating to legal guarantees
Article L217-4 of the Consumer Code:
The seller is required to deliver good to the contract and responds to existing compliance defects during issuance. He also responds to compliance defects resulting from packaging, assembly instructions or installation when it has been charged by the contract or was carried out under his responsibility.
Article L217-5 of the Consumer Code:
To comply with the contract, the property must:
Article L217-12 of the Consumer Code:
The action resulting from the lack of conformity is prescribed by two years from the issuance of the property.
Article L217-16 of the Consumer Code:
When the buyer requests the seller, during the price of the commercial guarantee which was granted to him when the acquisition or repair of a furniture is acquired, a repair covered by the guarantee, any period of immobilization of 'At least seven days is added to the duration of the guarantee that remained to run. This period runs from the buyer's intervention request or the provision for compensation for the property in question, if this provision is after the intervention request.
Article 1641 of the Civil Code:
The seller is held from the guarantee due to the hidden defects of the thing sold which make it unfit for the use to which it is destined, or which decreases this use so much, that the buyer would not have acquired it, or would have given a lower price, if he had known them.
Article 1648 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code:
The action resulting from crumbling defects must be brought by the buyer within two years from the discovery of the defect.
Annex 2 - withdrawal form
This form must be supplemented and returned only if the Customer wishes to withdraw from the order placed on unless exclusions or limits to the exercise of the right of withdrawal according to the applicable general sales conditions.
To the attention of :
60 Boulevard Victor Hugo
06130 Grasse
Customer signature (only in the event of notification of this form on paper):