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We believe in an inheritance perfumery that is enriched over time with a multitude of experiences and inspirations, which keeps the past to embellish the present.


We believe that producing beautiful perfumes is first of all a question of know-how. And the most beautiful know-how are in Grasse: this is where we compose and make ours.


We believe that before even integrating the performer's formula, the natural raw material already tells a beautiful story in itself: that of the cultivator who gave him life and the terroir which saw him born.


We believe that we do not create beautiful perfumes without using beautiful ingredients, whether from science or nature.


We believe that the perfume distills beautiful in our life and that it is our duty to make it available to all.


We believe in an authentic perfumery, free from its choices, which prefers to rely on the spontaneity of the inspiration of a creator rather than complying with trends and fashions.


We believe that the true luxury of perfume is to be able to change it according to its fantasies, its desires, its appetites and its whims.


We believe in a generous perfumery, which is sharing, exchanges, lends itself, borrows and offers itself.


We believe that a successful perfume is first of all a promise of pleasure for oneself before being an argument of seduction.


We believe that the perfume carries within it a part of magic, that it has the gift of awakening our most intimate memories and to revive them endlessly.
We believe in a perfumery of mood and emotion, dreamy and daring, capable as a well -cut garment to underline our personality.


We believe that modern perfumery knows how to cultivate a perfect balance between tradition and the avant-garde, innovation and experience, heritage and invention.


We believe that the renewal of perfumery also involves returning to basics.


We believe that a great perfume, even a centenary, has never finished saying what it says.


We finally believe that perfume is first of all emotion and that all that we could explain is ultimately nothing: only counts the relationship of each to the perfume that he chose and which chose it .

To research